Saturday, March 5, 2016

Part 2 of my story

My eyes slowly open, heavy from sleep. It feels like I have been asleep for a long time. I turn over and check the time on my phone. suddenly I look around, I am in my bedroom at home. That can't be right, no IV tubes, or breathing devices, no heart monitors and it smells normal. My breath quickens and it doesn't hurt. I pinch myself but don't wake up, this must actually be real! I hurl myself out of bed and look out the window it is a perfect sunny day with a slight breeze. I lift my hand to open the glass but stop dead. My hand looks translucent, as I look down at my body, I try to smother a yelp. My whole self is pale, translucent and almost glassy looking. What is going on? If I'm not really myself, then where is the rest of me? I swallow hard and turn around. The color drains from my ghostly face as I see my body lying on the bed.    

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