Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Part 3 of my story

For the second time that morning, I stifle a scream. I start to shake uncontrollably and my throat tightens. Slowly, I sit on the White carpet And lean against my light brown wood dresser. What do I do?. What heck and I going to do? I don't even know what I am, A ghost? A  phantom? I could be anything. I survey my partially familiar surroundings.  Light pink walls, White closet, bathroom and entry doors, My wood bed frame complete with light pink, blue and white comforters, decretive pillows and twinkly lights, My white vanity with a few forgotten makeup products, pictures of my friends and I surrounding the mirror, and the wooden dresser, currently feeling very hard against my back. I let myself glance again at my body which is lying in my or our? Bed. Suddenly something catches my eye, a small difference. My eyes are open. I stare with my mouth gaping as I watch myself pull back the blankets, grab my phone and casually walk out the door. I look completely normal, my hair is long again, There is a natural healthy  glow to my face and I stand tall. Suddenly it hits me, this must be in… the future?